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Typed Option/Maybe for TypeScript and JavaScript (based on Scala, Haskell and Sanctuary), created to simplify code involving optional values.


  • ⛓️ TypeScript Support
    • ⚙️ Strict types - it's a TypeScript-first library, no wild anys
    • but it is fully usable from JavaScript as well
  • 🔩 Pragmatic - doesn't force functional programming paradigm
  • 📏 100% Test Coverage
  • 🗜️ Lightweight - no dependencies, bellow 10KiB gzip+minified


npm i -S ts-opt


In all examples opt import is presumed to be present:

import { opt } from 'ts-opt';

Basic use

    // without
const f = (name: string | undefined) => {
if (!name || name === '') { throw new Error('Missing name.'); }
return name[0];

// with
const g = (name: string | undefined) => opt(name).orCrash('Missing name.')[0];

f('Riker'); // 'R'
g('Riker'); // 'R'

f(undefined); // exception thrown
g(undefined); // exception thrown


    const fireMissiles = () => { console.log('FIRING!'); };
const printSuccess = (x: string) => { console.log(x); };

const handleMoveVanilla = (usersMove?: string): void => { if (usersMove) printSuccess(usersMove); else fireMissiles(); };
const handleMove = (usersMove?: string): void => opt(usersMove).onBoth(printSuccess, fireMissiles).end;

handleMoveVanilla(); // prints FIRING!
handleMove(); // prints FIRING!
handleMoveVanilla('Build a pylon.'); // prints Build a pylon.
handleMove('Build a pylon.'); // prints Build a pylon.

More advanced

interface Person {
name: string;
surname: string | null;

type Db = { [_: string]: Person };

/* ... */

const db: Db = {
'0': {name: 'John', surname: null},
'1': {name: 'Worf', surname: 'Mercer'}

// without
const f = (id: number | undefined): string | null => {
if (id === undefined) { return null; }
const item = db[id];
if (!item) { return null; }
const surname = item.surname ? item.surname.toUpperCase() : '<missing>';
return item.name + ' ' + surname;

// with
const g = (id: number | undefined): string | null => opt(id)
.chainToOpt(x => db[x])
.map(item => item.name + ' ' + opt(item.surname).map(x => x.toUpperCase()).orElse('<missing>'))

f(0); // 'John <missing>'
g(0); // 'John <missing>'

f(1); // 'Worf MERCER'
g(1); // 'Worf MERCER'

f(2); // null
g(2); // null

Looking inside wrapped values

You can "zoom" inside an (optional) structure of a value inside an opt. prop allows you to look inside fields (which can be optional). You can use at to focus on an index (possibly non-existing or holding an empty value) when value inside opt is an array.

interface House {
occupantIds?: number[];

const h = {
occupantIds: [7],
} as House | undefined;

opt(h) // Some({ occupantIds: [7] }) :: Opt<House>
.prop('occupantIds') // Some([7]) :: Opt<number[]>
.at(0) // Some(7) :: Opt<number>
.orElse(-1) // 7 :: number

opt(h) // Some({ occupantIds: [7] }) :: Opt<House>
.prop('occupantIds') // Some([7]) :: Opt<number[]>
.at(99) // None :: Opt<number> (nonexisting index)
.orElse(-1) // -1 :: number

const h2 = {} as House | undefined;
opt(h2) // Some({ }) :: Opt<House>
.prop('occupantIds') // None :: Opt<number[]> (field is undefined)
.at(0) // None :: Opt<number>
.orElse(-1) // -1 :: number


All methods are documented, if you don't see a description please make sure you are reading the base class page - Opt.

GitHub Pages

  • Main Opt class
  • Module (constructors and helper functions)

"Simple" documentation - more friendly for crawlers and AI (simple HTML structure, no JavaScript, minimal styling)

GitLab Pages (Backup)

Opt, Module, "Simple" documentation

Custom GPTs

It may not be suitable for more advanced use cases or refactoring (they tend to hallucinate a lot). Consulting the documentation is recommended.


None without explicit type

let a = none;
a = opt(1); // TS2741: Property ''@@type'' is missing in type 'Opt<number>' but required in type 'None<any>'.

The solution is to explicitly state the type:

let a: Opt<number> = none;
a = opt(1);

While it's recommended to not use let, so this example may seem unrealistic, a similar issue may happen in other places as well (e.g. default arguments of functions or "exact" type via as const).

Empty value in Some

Be careful to not misuse methods/functions like map and end up with Opts like Opt<string | null> or Opt<number | undefined>. Such Opts are ticking bombs, ready to bite a coworker or later even yourself.

Let's have a simple example of a function returning a name. When the name is missing (either whole object is undefined or the field), we want it to return a default name, in this case 'John'.

interface TestUser {
name?: string;

const getNameOrDefault = (x?: TestUser) => opt(x).map(x => x.name).orElse('John');
const nameKon = getNameOrDefault({name: 'Kon'}); // 'Kon'
const nameDefaultFromUndefined = getNameOrDefault(); // 'John'

It seems to be working. But there is a catch, when you pass an empty value in the name field, you will get undefined:

const nameDefaultFromEmpty = getNameOrDefault({}); // undefined

Types can help us see, what is happening:

const getNameOrDefault = (x?: TestUser) =>
opt(x) // Opt<TestUser>
.map(x => x.name) // Opt<string | undefined>
.orElse('John'); // string | undefined

The culprit is the map call which operates on (converts, does mapping of) the value inside the Opt. When we want to transform a value inside an Opt, but that transformation may return an empty value (e.g. null or undefined), we must not use the map. Otherwise, advantages of Opt are severely diminished.

Possible and most general solution is to use the chainToOpt. It behaves same as the map, but when empty values are returned, it flips the whole Opt from Some to None.

const getNameOrDefault = (x?: TestUser) =>
opt(x) // Opt<TestUser>
.chainToOpt(x => x.name) // Opt<string>
.orElse('John'); // string

getNameOrDefault({}); // 'John'

Another alternative, in this case of "zooming" onto a field (which is quite common), is to use the prop method which also automatically handles possible empty values:

const getNameOrDefault = (x?: TestUser) =>
opt(x) // Opt<TestUser>
.prop('name') // Opt<string>
.orElse('John'); // string

getNameOrDefault({}); // 'John'

Functional vs. imperative methods

Functional methods (functions) are used when we care about the result and passed function(s) are pure.

const res = opt(2).map(x => x * 5); // res is some(10) and is used later in code

Imperative methods are used when we want to call a callback or do impure operations, we don't care about results from passed functions.

opt(1).onSome(console.log); // prints 1, returns some(1), log method returns undefined which is discarded

Functional and imperative methods can be used in one opt chain (e.g. map -> print -> map) without breaking recommendations above (an example is in the map vs onSome section). If you have an impure part of a computation, one function, it is recommended to rewrite it to functional approach (use in map or similar) and any remaining imperative operations (e.g. callbacks) isolate to a next part of opt chain (use onSome or similar).

A common mistake is using a function from first column instead of one from the second.

Functional Imperative
map / chainToOpt onSome
caseOf / bimap onBoth
orNull() || / orNull() ?? /
if (!x.orUndef()) / if (x.isEmpty)

The table isn't exhaustive, if you are unsure whether the method/function is imperative, it probably isn't (vast majority of methods are functional).

An explanation with examples can be found in the map vs onSome section.

map vs onSome

At a first glance, it may look like those methods are the same.

let a = 0;
const setA = (newA: number) => { a = newA };

opt(null as number | null).map(setA); // a is unchanged
opt(null as number | null).onSome(setA); // a is unchanged

opt(2).map(setA); // a is now 2
opt(4).onSome(setA); // a is now 4

It may seem like in specific scenarios they can be used interchangeably (do nothing for None and call the function for Some). But their purpose differs quite a lot. From a technical perspective, there is a distinction in the return value.

opt(7).map(setA) // Some(undefined)
opt(9).onSome(setA) // Some(9)

Both methods are meant to be chained. map allows us to refine a value inside Opt:

opt(2) // Some(2)
.map(x => x + 1) // Some(3)
.map(x => x * x) // Some(9)

onSome can't do that:

opt(2) // Some(2)
.onSome(x => x + 1) // Some(2)
.onSome(x => x * x) // Some(2)

That's because the purpose of onSome is to "break" the purely functional approach and allows Opt to be used in a more imperative way - calling a callback function for the sole purpose of side-effects. The callback function changes something somewhere else, e.g. sets a global variable or changes DOM. In such cases we don't care about the return value (in most cases it doesn't return anything, this library assumes the responsibility for an error handling is on the callback function). Thus Opt ignores that return value from a callback and onSome simply returns a previous Opt. Because of this, we can easily create chains with multiple callbacks between processing:

const f = (x?: number) => opt(x)
.onSome(x => console.log('Got value', x))
.chainToOpt(x => x * x > 9 ? null : x * 2)
.onSome(x => console.log('First step result', x))
.map(x => x - 1)
.onSome(x => console.log('Second step result', x))

f(); // returns null, nothing is printed

f(3); /* returns 5, prints:
Got value 3
First step result 6
Second step result 5

f(10); /* returns null, prints:
Got value 10

The final note is about implementation. Since Opt library gives a specific meaning to map (functional methods) and onSome (imperative methods), you should not use them interchangeably. In the future map implementation may very well change to not be called until termination (making Opt so called lazy), but onSome will always force evaluation instantly (even if Opt starts supporting lazy approach). This would mean that map will not call a mapping function until a result from Opt is requested (e.g. termination via orNull).

// Example of possible lazy Opt

opt(1).onSome(console.log); // prints 1

opt(2).map(console.log); // prints nothing

const x = opt(3).map(console.log); // prints nothing
// ...
x.orNull(); // prints 1

This could lead to bugs. Ones which are not easy to track down, since evaluation of the opt may be in an entirely different file to which opt was passed across several layers and delayed (e.g. from a helper utility function via props through several React components and used [evaluated] only after a user does some action).

Generators (star functions)

Because of the limitation how yield works, terminators like onSome or onBoth can't contain yield statements. The solution is to use guard functions isSome/isNone.

// x is of type Opt<number>

if (x.isSome()) {
// x got narrowed to type Some<number> and you can access its value inside via `value` field
yield x.value;

Please note that generally guard functions isSome and isNone shouldn't be used where any other approach is possible. For just checking if an opt instance is empty use isEmpty or nonEmpty getters. Don't make a mistake of terminating an opt chain prematurely or do an opt unwrapping followed by an opt wrapping. It usually leads to more noisy, less readable and less extensible code, something this library tries to improve.


Unwrapping followed by wrapping should be avoided. In most cases there is a method or function which you can use instead.

opt(x).orNull() ? 1 : opt(x).orElse(4) * 2 // BAD - orElse is useless (only present because of types)
opt(x).orNull() ? 1 : opt(x).orCrash('impossible') * 2 // BAD - orCrash is useless (it can't ever crash, only present because of types)
opt(x).map(x => x * 2).orElse(1) // best - no unnecessary rewrapping or unreachable cases
opt(x.toUndef().?f()) // BAD
x.map(y => y.f()) // better - when f can't return empty values
x.chainToOpt(y => y.f()) // better - when f can return empty values
x.map(f) // best - when there is FP version of f method (curried function)

Unclear flow of data

Generally it's best when you adhere to one direction of "data flow".

// | | | 1 | |
// | | 2 | |
// | 3 | |
// | 4 |
// 5 |
// 6

See how data flow begins at the center left 1, then goes to the start 1, 2, 3, then again jumps to the center 4, then jumps to the start 5 and finally jumps to the end 6.

You can utilize methods and functions like pipe, mapFlow or actToOpt. For example the code above could be rewritten like this:

pipe(x, opt, f, orElse(4), g, orElse('a'))
// 1 | | | | |
// 2 | | | |
// 3 | | |
// 4 | |
// 5 |
// 6

Now the data flow is easy to understand and to read, since it only flows in one direction - from left to right.

You could also use opt(x).pipe(...) instead of pipe(x, opt, ...). It can lead to better type inference.

Not using specialized methods and other common bad uses

Bad Good Notes
lineId ? opt(lineId) : none opt(lineId) opt* functions already handle emptiness checks
tag.equals(opt('MALE')) tag.contains('MALE')
.map(pred).orFalse() .exists(pred)
.map(pred).orTrue() .forAll(pred)
found.prop('id').nonEmpty ? found.prop('id') : opt(id) found.prop('id').alt(id)
.map(...).chainToOpt(x => x) .chainToOpt(...)
opt(x).zip(opt(y)) zipToOptArray([x, y])
isEmpty(data.orElse([])) data.isEmptyIn()
data.forAll(isEmpty) data.isEmptyIn()
data.map(isEmpty).orTrue() data.isEmptyIn()
.map(map(f)) .mapIn(f)
.map(xs => xs.map((x, i) => f(x, i))) .mapWithIndexIn(f)


Redux DevTools

Your store setup:

import {ReduxDevtoolsCompatibilityHelper} from 'ts-opt';
import {composeWithDevTools} from 'redux-devtools-extension';

const composeEnhancers = composeWithDevTools ({
serialize: ReduxDevtoolsCompatibilityHelper,
// other custom devTools options
const store = createStore (reducer, /* preloadedState, */ composeEnhancers (
applyMiddleware (...middleware),
// other store enhancers if any

Jest Snapshot Serializer


module.exports = {
// other configuration options
snapshotSerializers: ['ts-opt/jest-snapshot-serializer'],

or you could use expect.addSnapshotSerializer in your test setup:

import optSerializer from 'ts-opt/jest-snapshot-serializer';


  1. clone repo
  2. cd ts-opt
  3. npm i
  4. write code
  5. npm test


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